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How my Nana makes her mattress last longer

Old-fashioned hacks to help with the longevity of your mattress

When my beautiful grandparents invite me over for a cup of tea and to “help them with something” you know I will be there in a heartbeat.

My 78 year old Nana and 89 year old Pa have found that rotating their mattress now is a little tricky so they call on us as family members to help them (and bribe us with yummy treats and cups of tea).  As I was helping her rotate her mattress, I noticed it looked as clean as the day she got it (I know this, as again, I was there to help them unpack it) so I asked her what her tips and tricks were to keep it looking so clean and here it is: the tried and tested old fashioned hacks to help you keep your mattress looking as clean as the day you got it. This in turn will also help with the longevity of the mattress and therefore will extend your investment. 

Tip 1: Rotate your mattress regularly

This is pretty standard and not a “hack” as such but I’m terrible at remembering when to rotate mine (or even when I last rotated it). My Pa has always rotated his at the beginning of the month but nana told me prior to him being retired she used to rotate them at the start of the new season. I love this idea as its every 3 months and something that can easily be remembered.

Tip 2: It’s a good idea to air your mattress

Every Sunday my nana has dedicated this day of the week as her sheet washing day. Therefore she takes this opportunity to air the mattress. I don’t know if this is an old wives tale or if it really does help to protect the longevity of the mattress but hey one less day of making the bed is always a good tip, especially when its to help with your investment.

Tip 3: Bi Carb and Vacuum

This is a good little trick if you have any little visitors overnight that have accidents (pets, children or even husbands). Bi Carb is a great natural deodorizer and relatively mild so you can use it on most fabric with little risk of damage. As always, check with your mattress manufacturer to make sure it is safe to use on the mattress.

My nana swears by her Bi Carb and trusty vacuum trick to help “freshen up” her mattress. She does this every season – so every time she rotates the mattress. She will sprinkle 1 cup of bi carb over the mattress and let it sit for an hour or so and then vacuum it up. Don’t forget to also vacuum the sides of the mattress as well as this helps keep it fresh.

Tip 4: Invest in your investment

A great waterproof mattress protector will help protect your mattress from any spills or accidents but when most people think of a mattress protector they think of those hot, plastic ones you had as a kid. Gone are those days, the trusty old mattress protector has come a long way since then. There are many on the market but its always a good idea to look for one that is waterproof and breathable. 

More about mattress protectors here

Tip 5: Replace

You will know when the time has come to replace your mattress. The lumps and bumps are becoming too uncomfortable, you wake ups sore and more tired then when you went to bed and are dreaming of a great nights sleep. My Nana and Pa have always maintained that around that 8-10 year mark it’s a good idea to replace your mattress. Not only does the mattress wear but also your needs and requirements change as you get older.

And there you have it 5 super simple, tried and tested, grandparent approved ways to help you protect your mattress investment.


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